• Recommendation Engine

  • What is Recommendation Engine
  • RE is a tool which can help you achieve a higher conversion rate through a method of personalized recommendation.
  • Recommendation Engine helps you:
  • Build a reliable model based on both customer and product information through a series of  “cloud calculation” . Then calculate the relevant index for each product through the model, generate a huge product-customer related table and put it into the data warehouse. When the customer sent a request to backend servers, the Decision Engine will quickly find a personalized recommendation list based on the customer’s choice and the related products.
  • Recommendation Engine needs you offer:
    • Customer historical website-click records
    • Customer historical transaction records
    • Your product list
    • Customer’s feedback information
  • What Recommendation Engine delivers to you:
    The products which the customer most likely to buy
  • Why you choose Recommendation Engine
    • 1. Easy multiplication process
    • 2. Complicated & reliable calculation
    • 3. Quickly response
    • 4. Clear & complete report system