• Direct Marketing

  • BundleRank has a substantial experience in offering full service for direct marketing.
  • Direct Mail Acquisition Direct mail is the single-most reliable source of new membership organization. But it’s expensive and tricky. With our technique, we can help you achieve a higher response rate, or even raise more money by conducting a successful direct mail campaign.
  • Besides direct mail, BundleRank also help you with other DM Campaign channels like Email, SMS and Catalog.
  • Current Customer Retention the analysis based on their historical transaction records and lifestyle data will help you keep them in your business, improve your product/service to enhance the customer experience, and eventually achieve the goal of increasing customer loyalty.
  • Winback / Re-enroll Former Customer BundleRank helps you find the reason of attrition; launch a series of winback campaigns in order to recapture customers. Meanwhile, we do help you to control the implementation of the campaign, forecast the outcome of campaign and evaluate the campaign process.